Ficus Audrey (Benghalensis)
The Ficus Audrey is a beautiful plant, native to India. It acclimates well to new spaces and it’s easy to look after. Like most of the Ficus varieties, it prefers humid and warm temperatures, with plenty of sunshine. The plant features small violin-shaped leaves that grow upright on a tall plant. As the Ficus Audrey matures, it can develop beautiful aerial roots that will become part of the trunk over time, if left to grow.
Plant Care
The Ficus Audrey enjoys warm temperatures and wet conditions.
The Audrey requires bright, indirect sunlight and some direct sunlight. This plant will not tolerate low light conditions.
Keep steadily moist, but don’t allow to sit in water. Water less in the cooler months to avoid stem/root rot.
Easy to look after, they require little maintenance. Rotate the plant periodically to ensure an even growth on all sides. A good choice for house plant beginners.
Feed with weak liquid fertilizer throughout the growing season (Spring and Summer).
This plant is toxic and should not be consumed by animals or humans.
Any well-draining, nutrient rich mix is ideal.
Potential Problems
Brown spots on leaves: The spotting on the leaves is typically caused by lack of air flow and too much moisture sitting on the leaves. The Ficus has mildly caustic sap that causes brown spots when exposed to air.